Damage Degradation

Damage Degradation refers to the loss of power of some weapons at increasing distance. For these weapons, your shots will do less damage to the target as the distance increases, thus to maximize your damage, get as close as possible with these weapons. Most weapons don't start to have Damage Degradation until a certain distance while others start to drop off in damage almost immediately.
The Flail has inverse Damage Degradation. It does more damage at large distances and less damage at close distances.
Some weapons do not suffer Damage Degradation. Shotgun-type weapons do not have Damage Degradation, yet their large Cone of Fire means that you are unlikely to land any hits at large distances anyway. Many vehicle and beam-type weapons do not have Damage Degradation either.
The following suffer from Damage Degradation:
- All Standard Assault weaponry (except the Mag-Scatter)
- All Medium Assault weaponry (except the Spiker and Sweeper)
- Lasher
- Mini-Chaingun
- Orion
- Avenger
- All 12mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, and 35mm vehicle weapons
- Continuous Laser
- Anti-Tank Machine Gun
- Rotary Chaingun
- Quasar
- Dual Cycler
- Flail (inverse Damage Degradation, see above)
- Wall Turret (standard fire mode)
- Spitfire and Shadow Turrets