



package types

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Vector3(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float) extends Product with Serializable


Value Members

  1. object Angular


    A series of Codecs designed to work with convert between 8-bit angle values in the packets and Float numbers.

    A series of Codecs designed to work with convert between 8-bit angle values in the packets and Float numbers. As far as the data is concerned, the first bit appears to be ignored when it comes to the actual angle measurement. The latter seven bits map between 0 to 360 perfectly (according to the game).

  2. object BailType extends Enumeration

  3. object CargoStatus extends Enumeration

  4. object CertificationType extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of the available certifications.

    As indicated, the following certifications are always enqueued on an avatar's permissions: StandardAssault, StandardExoSuit, AgileExoSuit.

    An Enumeration of the available certifications.

    As indicated, the following certifications are always enqueued on an avatar's permissions: StandardAssault, StandardExoSuit, AgileExoSuit. They must still be included in any formal lists of permitted equipment for a user. The other noted certifications require all prerequisite certifications listed or they themselves will not be listed: ElectronicsExpert and AdvancedEngineering. No other certification requires its prerequisites explicitly listed to be listed itself. Any certification that contains multiple other certifications overrides those individual certifications in the list. There is no certification for the Advanced Nanite Transport.

    In terms of pricing, StandardAssault, StandardExoSuit, and AgileExoSuit are costless. A certification that contains multiple other certifications acts as the overriding cost. (Taking UniMAX while owning AAMAX will refund the AAMAX cost and replace it with the UniMAX cost.)

  5. object CharacterGender extends Enumeration


    Values for two genders, Male and Female, starting at 1 = Male.

  6. object CharacterVoice extends Enumeration


    The voice used by the player character, from a selection of ten divided between five male voices and five female voices.

    The voice used by the player character, from a selection of ten divided between five male voices and five female voices. The first entry (0) is no voice. While it is technically not valid to have a wrong-gendered voice, unlisted sixth and seventh entries would give a male character a female voice; a female character with either entry would become mute, however.

    See also


  7. object ChatMessageType extends Enumeration


    ChatMessageTypes were reversed by: Checking the type in the packet upon receipt by server while using slash commands Replaying the ChatMsg packet back to the sender after modifying the messagetype value Shaql magic english.str references to the type names

    ChatMessageTypes were reversed by: Checking the type in the packet upon receipt by server while using slash commands Replaying the ChatMsg packet back to the sender after modifying the messagetype value Shaql magic english.str references to the type names

    Message type names that are not based on actual names are prefixed with U_ Message type names that are completely unknown are named UNK_#


  8. object DriveState extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of the mobility states of vehicles.

    In general, two important mobility states exist - Mobile and Deployed.

    An Enumeration of the mobility states of vehicles.

    In general, two important mobility states exist - Mobile and Deployed. There are stages of a formal deployment. For any deployment state other than the defined ones, the vehicle assumes it is in one of the transitional states. If the target vehicle has no deployment behavior, a non-Mobile value will not affect it.

  9. object EmoteType extends Enumeration

  10. object ExoSuitType extends Enumeration


    Values for the the different types of exo-suits that players can wear.

  11. object GrenadeState extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of the kinds of states applicable to the grenade animation.

  12. object ImplantType extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of the available implants.

    0 - Regeneration (advanced_regen)
    1 - Enhanced Targeting (targeting)
    2 - Audio Amplifier (audio_amplifier)
    3 - Darklight Vision (darklight_vision)
    4 - Melee Booster (melee_booster)
    5 - Personal Shield (personal_shield)
    6 - Range Magnifier (range_magnifier)
    7 - Second Wind
    8 - Sensor Shield (silent_run)
    9 - Surge (surge)

  13. object LoadoutType extends Enumeration

  14. object MeritCommendation extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of all merit commendation award categories organized into associated ribbons.

    An Enumeration of all merit commendation award categories organized into associated ribbons. By astonishing coincidence, with exception of the first ten special awards, the rest of list is in alphabetical order.

  15. object PlanetSideEmpire extends Enumeration


    Values for the three empires and the neutral/Black Ops group.

  16. object SpawnGroup extends Enumeration


    The spawn group.

    The groups Sanctuary, Tower, and ,Facility are typically hard-defined by the client.

    The spawn group.

    The groups Sanctuary, Tower, and ,Facility are typically hard-defined by the client. The groups AMS and the Bound* spawns can only be displayed on the deployment map by sending a manual BindPlayerMessage packet to the client, and the designated spawn group identifier is returned to the server if the spawn point that is created is selected. The sanctuary spawn is also used as a fallback for an unknown spawn point as going back to one's own sanctuary counts as a "safe spawn."

    The Sanctuary spawn is commonly accessible on a smaller map (of the sanctuary continent) off to one side of the greater deployment map. It does not generate an icon when manually set. The icons produced by the normal and the bound tower and facility groups are not detailed. The ones that are not designated as "bound" also do not display icons when manually set. The AMS spawn group icons have an overhead AMS glyph and are smaller in radius, identical otherwise.

    See also


  17. object TransactionType extends Enumeration

  18. object Vector3 extends Serializable

