the continent
the maximum population of all three (four) empires that can join this zone
the maximum number of TR players that can join this zone
the current TR population in this zone
the maximum number of NC players that can join this zone
the current NC population in this zone
the maximum number of VS players that can join this zone
the VS population in this zone
the maximum number of Black OPs players that can join this zone
the current Black OPs population in this zone
the current Black OPs population in this zone
the maximum number of Black OPs players that can join this zone
the current NC population in this zone
the maximum number of NC players that can join this zone
the current TR population in this zone
the maximum number of TR players that can join this zone
the VS population in this zone
the maximum number of VS players that can join this zone
the continent
the maximum population of all three (four) empires that can join this zone
Report the raw numerical population for a zone (continent).
Populations are displayed as percentages of the three main empires against each other. Populations specific to a zone will be displayed in the Incentives window for that zone. Populations in all zones will contribute to the Global Population window and the Incentives window for the server. The Black OPs population does not show up in the Incentives window for a zone but will be indirectly represented in the other two windows. This packet also shifts the flavor text for that zone.
The size of zone's queue is the final upper population limit for that zone. Common values for the zone queue fields are 0 (locked) and 414 positions. When a continent can not accept any players at all, a lock icon will appear over its view pane in the Interstellar View. Setting the zone's queue to zero will also render this icon.
The individual queue fields set the maximum empire occupancy for a zone that is represented in the zone Incentives text. Common values for the empire queue fields are 0 (locked population), 138 positions, and 500 positions. Zone Incentives text, however, will never report more than a "100+" vacancy. The actual limits are probably set based on server load. The latter queue value is typical for VR area zones.
The value of the zone queue trumps the sum of all individual empire queues. Regardless of individual queues, once total zone population matches the zone queue size, all populations will lock. For normal zones, if the individual queues are not set properly, whole empires can even be locked out of a zone for this reason. In the worst case, other empires are allowed enough individual queue vacancy that they can occupy all the available slots. Sanctuary zones possess strange queue values that are occasionally zero'd. They do not have a lock icon and may not limit populations the same way as normal zones.
the continent
the maximum population of all three (four) empires that can join this zone
the maximum number of TR players that can join this zone
the current TR population in this zone
the maximum number of NC players that can join this zone
the current NC population in this zone
the maximum number of VS players that can join this zone
the VS population in this zone
the maximum number of Black OPs players that can join this zone
the current Black OPs population in this zone