Act as if no activity was ever valid for this report.
Act as if no activity was ever valid for this report. Set heat to zero to flag no activity and set duration to "0 seconds" to eliminate its lifespan.
The length of time that this (ongoing) activity is relevant.
The length of time that this (ongoing) activity is relevant.
the time
Set the length of time that this (ongoing) activity is relevant.
Set the length of time that this (ongoing) activity is relevant. The duration length can only increase.
the time, as a Long
the time
Set the length of time that this (ongoing) activity is relevant.
Set the length of time that this (ongoing) activity is relevant.
the time, as a Duration
the time
The increasing heat does nothing, presently, but acts as a flag for activity.
The increasing heat does nothing, presently, but acts as a flag for activity.
the heat
As a Long
value, if there was no previous report, the value will be considered 0L
As a Long
value, if there was no previous report, the value will be considered 0L
the time of the last activity report
Reset the time of the last report to the present.
Reset the time of the last report to the present.
the current time
Submit new activity, increasing the lifespan of the current report's existence.
Submit new activity, increasing the lifespan of the current report's existence.
the current report
Submit new activity, increasing the lifespan of the current report's existence.
Submit new activity, increasing the lifespan of the current report's existence.
the current report
Information about interactions in respect to a given denomination in the game world. In terms of hotspots, the "denomination" are the factions. While a given report of activity will only be valid from the time or arrival for a given amount of time, subsequent activity reporting before this duration concludes will cause the lifespan to artificially increase.