



package vehicles

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Cargo extends AnyRef


    Server-side support for a slot that vehicles can occupy

  2. trait MountedWeapons extends AnyRef

  3. class Seat extends AnyRef


    Server-side support for a slot that infantry players can occupy, ostensibly called a "seat" and treated like a "seat." (Players can sit in it.)

  4. class Utility extends AnyRef


    Build a specific functional extension that is a component of a certain Vehicle object.

    A Utility object is a variation of an Amenity object that might be found in a Building object.

    Build a specific functional extension that is a component of a certain Vehicle object.

    A Utility object is a variation of an Amenity object that might be found in a Building object. The object itself is stored inside the Utility as if it were a container. Amenity objects are required because they are to be owned by the vehicle for purposes of faction affinity. Only specific kinds of objects count for being Utility contents/objects. Additional "setup" logic can be supplied that will be called when the owner vehicle's control Actor is created. Ostensibly, the purpose of the additional logic, when it is called, is to initialize a control Actor for the contained object. This Actor is expected by other logic.

    See also




  5. class VehicleControl extends Actor with Check with DeploymentBehavior with Mount with Dismount


    An Actor that handles messages being dispatched to a specific Vehicle.

    Vehicle-controlling actors have two behavioral states - responsive and "Disabled." The latter is applicable only when the specific vehicle is being deconstructed.

Value Members

  1. object AccessPermissionGroup extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of various permission groups that control access to aspects of a vehicle.
    - Driver is a seat that is always seat number 0.
    - Gunner is a seat that is not the Driver and controls a mounted weapon.
    - Passenger is a seat that is not the Driver and does not have control of a mounted weapon.
    - Trunk represnts access to the vehicle's internal storage space.
    Organized to replicate the PlanetsideAttributeMessage value used for that given access level.

    An Enumeration of various permission groups that control access to aspects of a vehicle.
    - Driver is a seat that is always seat number 0.
    - Gunner is a seat that is not the Driver and controls a mounted weapon.
    - Passenger is a seat that is not the Driver and does not have control of a mounted weapon.
    - Trunk represnts access to the vehicle's internal storage space.
    Organized to replicate the PlanetsideAttributeMessage value used for that given access level. In their respective PlanetsideAttributeMessage packet, the groups are indexed in the same order as 10 through 13.

  2. object Cargo

  3. object CargoVehicleRestriction extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of exo-suit-based seat access restrictions.

    The default value is NoMax as that is the most common seat.

    An Enumeration of exo-suit-based seat access restrictions.

    The default value is NoMax as that is the most common seat. NoReinforcedOrMax is next most common. MaxOnly is a rare seat restriction found in pairs on Galaxies and on the large "Ground Transport" vehicles.

  4. object DestroyedVehicle extends Enumeration


  5. object Seat

  6. object SeatArmorRestriction extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of exo-suit-based seat access restrictions.

    The default value is NoMax as that is the most common seat type.

    An Enumeration of exo-suit-based seat access restrictions.

    The default value is NoMax as that is the most common seat type. NoReinforcedOrMax is next most common. MaxOnly is a rare seat restriction found in pairs on Galaxies and on the large "Ground Transport" vehicles.

  7. object Turrets extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of all the turret type objects in the game, paired with their object id as the Value.

  8. object Utility

  9. object UtilityType extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of the available vehicular utilities.

    These values are used to connect Amenity objects and their extra logic encapsulated in this class with information in the VehicleDefinition object for that kind of vehicle.

    An Enumeration of the available vehicular utilities.

    These values are used to connect Amenity objects and their extra logic encapsulated in this class with information in the VehicleDefinition object for that kind of vehicle.

    See also



  10. object VehicleControl

  11. object VehicleLockState extends Enumeration


    An Enumeration of various access states for vehicle components, such as the seats and the trunk.

    An Enumeration of various access states for vehicle components, such as the seats and the trunk. Organized to replicate the PlanetsideAttributeMessage value used for that given access level.
