



package guid

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class NumberPoolHub extends AnyRef


    A master object that manages NumberPools when they are applied to a single NumberSource.

    A master object that manages NumberPools when they are applied to a single NumberSource. It catalogs the numbers and ensures the pool contents are unique to each other.

    All globally unique numbers are sorted into user-defined groups called pools. Pools are intended to pre-allocate certain numbers to certain tasks. Two default pools also exist - "generic," for all numbers not formally placed into a pool, and a hidden restricted pool. The former can accept a variety of numbers on the source not known at initialization time loaded into it. The latter can only be set by the NumberSource and can not be affected once this object is created.

  2. trait Task extends AnyRef

  3. class TaskResolver extends Actor


Value Members

  1. object AvailabilityPolicy extends Enumeration


    The availability of individual GUIDs is maintained by the given policy.

  2. object GUIDTask


    The basic compiled tasks for assigning (registering) and revoking (unregistering) globally unique identifiers.

    Almost all of these functions will be invoked from WorldSessionActor.

    The basic compiled tasks for assigning (registering) and revoking (unregistering) globally unique identifiers.

    Almost all of these functions will be invoked from WorldSessionActor. Some of the "unregistering" functions will invoke on delayed Service operations, indicating behavior that is not user/observer dependent. The object's (current) Zone must also be knowable since the GUID systems are tied to individual zones. For simplicity, all functions have the same format where the hook into the GUID system is an implicit parameter. It will get passed from the more complicated functions down into the less complicated functions, until it has found the basic number assignment functionality.

    All functions produce a TaskResolver.GiveTask container object or a list of TaskResolver.GiveTask container objects that is expected to be used by a TaskResolver Actor. These "task containers" can also be unpackaged into their component tasks, sorted into other containers, and combined with other tasks to enact more complicated sequences of operations. Almost all tasks have an explicit registering and an unregistering activity defined for it.

  3. object Task

  4. object TaskResolver

  5. package actor

  6. package key

  7. package pool

  8. package selector

  9. package source

